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Welcome to Foxes

We are the Year 1 and 2 class. Mrs Sanderson is our teacher and we are supported by Mrs Smith, Mrs Stamper, Mrs Hazell and Mrs Davidson.

Wednesdays are enriched with French by Madame Kernick and P.E with Mrs Ranson.

You can follow our learning journey by visiting our class blog at: 

Our PE days are: Wednesdays and Fridays; please attend school in your PE kits on these days. 

This term we are learning about Weather Experts!

In English, we will be continuing to explore letters in Non-fiction and create our own story set in a fantasy setting. 

Our class text is 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Rolad Dahl.

You can find out more about our term ahead by reading our Curriculum Newsletter below. 

We follow Read, Write, Inc to teach Phonics. The sounds make a huge difference in supporting your child to read. 

There is more information about the expectations for Phonics and Year 2 reading, writing and maths in the KS1 Phonics and SATS information powerpoint below.